Category: Alpha Series

Showing 17–20 of 20 results

  • 4.75 out of 5



    Men’s version

    Type A

    We present you with the perfect stepping stone to Super Alpha Male/Female and Sexual Magnetism foundation. While Super Alpha Male/Female, Sensual Goddess and Sex Magnet (the paid version of Sexual magnetism for men) have been very successful programs for most, few listeners had problems to get the best of them. We did not see this coming, despite the fact that the programs had very powerful Affirmations to remove negativity and past issues. This premium version contains over 2000 affirmations.

    We advised some of them to listen to ‘LET GO OF THE PAST’ and few months and that seems to have done a lot to shave away the negative episodes that may have happened in the past that are causing blockages for new ideas to replace old useless ideas. We had been very hard at work for the past few days to address the issues that these few people have been facing as some of them are our very loyal clients. This meant we had to delay the launch of a few other programs. We underestimated the number of negative issues and trauma one may have faced, especially in the developed world. This program is not meant just for them. This program will do wonders for others too, especially for those who are not aware of the blockages they have been having within themselves. This program can be used as a foundation for other powerful programs we will launch in the near future. Below we have mentioned the core areas where this program focuses.


    Notice: This program is available as Stage 1 in Super Alpha Male 2.0. There will be no discount offered if you purchase this and then decided to purchase Super Alpha Male 2.0.

  • 4.60 out of 5



    Super Alpha and Sexual Magnetism Foundation

    FEMALE version

    Type A

    Greetings Ladies

    We present you with the perfect stepping stone to Super Alpha Male/Female and Sexual Magnetism foundation. While Super Alpha Male/Female, Sensual Goddess and Sex Magnet (the paid version of Sexual magnetism for men) have been very successful subliminal programs for most, few listeners had problems to get the best of them. We did not see this coming, despite the fact that the programs had very powerful Affirmations to remove negativity and past issues. This premium version contains over 2000 affirmations.

    I advised some of them to listen to ‘LET GO OF THE PAST’ and few months and that seems to have done a lot to shave away the negative episodes that may have happened in the past that are causing blockages for new ideas to replace old useless ideas. We had been very hard at work for the past few days to address the issues that these few people have been facing as some of them are our very loyal clients. This meant we had to delay the launch of a few other programs. We underestimated the number of negative issues and trauma one may have faced, especially in the developed world. This program is not meant just for them. This program will do wonders for others too, especially for those who are not aware of the blockages they have been having within themselves. This program can be used as a foundation for other powerful programs we will launch in the near future. Below we have mentioned the core areas where this program focuses.

    Notice: This program is available as Stage 1 in Super Alpha Female 2.0. There will be no discount offered if you purchase this and then decided to purchase Super Alpha Female 2.0. If you still want to buy this program, please get in touch with us.

  • 4.50 out of 5

    SUPER ALPHA FEMALE! For Lesbians


    Type A

    This is a very very powerful Subliminal track, In fact, it is one of the most powerful subliminal audio tracks we have ever created. We advise you to read the instructions carefully before using it.
    This track is not just the female version of the ALPHA MALE.
    The affirmations had to be built from scratch to make sure it is highly effective to women.

    This track is designed not just to make you an Alpha Female, but also take you beyond that. What’s the point in being just an Alpha Female when all you can do is to be a dominant Female in just the office or while at the gym or bar with other women?
    We help you become not just an Alpha but also become a very successful woman.
    To be an Alpha Female is not just to be the loudest or just boss about or be a dominant female. We are not aiming for that. What we are aiming to make you is to transform you into someone who will be looked up to by other women, and make them want to be like you. Be a good example to others. Set a high standard. We would love to help you get that edge world class women to have, the kind of charisma, attitude, and confidence that can take you to places you have only dreamed of.
    The affirmations we have infused are not just to make you an Alpha Female, but to make you a very successful Woman. What is the point in being an alpha when you end up as a broke loser who can only be a dominant presence in an office party?
    There are a lot of subliminal audio tracks claiming to instantly make you an Alpha Female. Most of them contain affirmations like ‘I am an alpha female or ‘I am dominant’ etc.
    But what makes them an Alpha female or a Dominant male is missing.
    This is where we blow them all away.

  • 0 out of 5



    This product has been discontinued, and it is being replaced with an all-new Subliminal program named Super Alpha Male 5.0.

    Thanks to the customers who purchased this program from us giving us their feedback, we can develop a much more powerful program that does more in less time.

    We will launch the Super Alpha Male 5.0 in the next few days.



    Super Alpha Male 2.0 is a very powerful Alpha male  Subliminal Program. It is the most powerful subliminal program of its kind. We advise you to read the instructions carefully before using them.

    Super Alpha Male 2.0 is designed to make you a successful Man. What’s the point in being just an Alpha Male when all you can do is be a dominant male in a pub or a bar.
    We help you become an Alpha Male and become a very successful Gentle Man. Not just with girls, but become the total package with this Alpha Male Subliminal!