Category: Binaural Beats

This category is basically a brainwave entertainment. The sound is designed to stimulate your brain to reach a certain state to help you relax, concentrate or meditate. Our brainwave music does not contain affirmations or any other subliminal messages.
Some of our programs do contain a separate file with binaural beats masking affirmations, those files come with the subliminal programs.

Showing 1–16 of 17 results

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Become More Assertive 6.0


    Become More Assertive 6.0 is unique and powerful subliminal program that’s built to make you not only just assertive, but also be smart with this new mindset.


    Type B

  • 0 out of 5

    Super Alpha Female 6.0L


    Exploit your inner strength with the Super Alpha Female 6.0 Apex Lesbian Edition—a subliminal program meticulously crafted for lesbian Alpha Females. Empower yourself beyond surface dominance, embodying genuine charisma, leadership, and success. Follow the program’s instructions and become the Apex Alpha Female, navigating life with grace, strength, and an irresistible charm. Redefine your journey with this transformative experience tailored exclusively for lesbian empowerment.


    SAF 6.0L


  • 5.00 out of 5

    Heal Your Inner Child 6.0Q


    Heal your inner child is a powerful subliminal program designed to help you heal any emotional trauma you may have experienced while you were a child.

    Heal Your Inner Child Subliminal uses the power of affirmations and other techniques such as the Quantum Alignment Module to bring the best possible results as quickly as possible. The Quantum Alignment Module was redeveloped for this program and has brought excellent results.

    HYIC 6.0Q

    Type A

    Warning: This program is very potent. Please read the instructions carefully before purchasing.


    This program will challenge your core belief system and how you view your past more than any other programs we have made. It can be challenging for some people in the first few days. Each of you will have a completely different experience with this program. Please read the instructions carefully and only purchase it if you are willing to do so and go through a bit of self-reflection, which may not be very easy. It’s going to feel like a bit of tough love at first.

    If you are not ready for initial discomfort, please do not purchase this program.

  • 4.50 out of 5

    Stop Seeking Approval and Validation 5.0SB


    Discover your authentic self with our “Stop Seeking Approval and Validation” Subliminal program.

    Say goodbye to the constant need for external validation and embrace your true worth from within. This transformative audio experience empowers you to make decisions based on your beliefs, not others’ opinions. Break free from the fear of judgment and cultivate fulfilling relationships by being true to yourself. Download now and start your journey towards self-discovery and empowerment, shining your light without seeking validation from others. Step into a more confident and fulfilling life today.

    TYPE C

  • 4.92 out of 5

    Brainwash Yourself For Success 5.0Q


    “Unlock Your Success Potential with ‘Brainwash Yourself to Success 5.0Q’: The Ultimate Subliminal Program for Success!

    Welcome to ‘Brainwash Yourself to Success 5.0Q,’ a powerful subliminal program designed to manifest success using the Law of Attraction. Formerly ‘Attract Success 2.0MX,’ this updated version boasts enhanced affirmations for faster, effective results.

    Become naturally successful in all aspects of life, attracting abundance effortlessly. This subliminal program rewires your mind with empowering affirmations, instilling a winner’s mindset, and propelling you to take precise actions for your dreams.

    Break free from insecurities and embrace your deservingness of success with ‘Brainwash Yourself to Success 5.0Q.’

    Join countless others who’ve experienced life-changing results with this program. Unleash your true potential and embark on your journey to a super successful life.

    Ready to transform your life? Dive into ‘Brainwash Yourself to Success 5.0Q’ and witness success flow into every area. Embrace the life you’ve always envisioned!”

    BYFS 5.0Q

    Type A-B

  • 4.00 out of 5

    Golden Face Ratio 4.0SB


    The Golden Face Ratio | Unisex

    Type C

    The Golden Face Ratio subliminal program uses the power of affirmations to help you get the perfect facial symmetry and proportions.

    Since this program has been priced very low, we are not giving discounts to the previous customers.


  • 5.00 out of 5

    Brain Hemisphere Synchronization 4.0


    Balance Your Brain Hemispheres | BHS 4.0B

    Balance Your Brain Hemispheres is a unique Subliminal program designed for brain hemisphere synchronization using modern Neuro-Linguistic programming.

    This subliminal balance in your brain hemisphere puts your nervous system at the optimum, triggering enormously positive transformation to help with brain hemisphere synchronization.
    Just as the benefits you gain by intense workout you put your body through, this subliminal program to balance your brain hemispheres brings the benefits of being capable of using both sides of your brain.


    Type C

  • 0 out of 5

    Third Eye Chakra 3.0


    Third Eye Chakra 3.0 is a powerful subliminal program designed to open, balance, and heal your third eye, Ajna.


    Type C


    If you would like to purchase all seven chakras balancing subliminal programs, please click on the link below.

  • 0 out of 5

    Throat Chakra 3.0


    Throat Chakra 3.0 is a powerful subliminal program designed to open, balance, and heal your throat chakra, Vishuddha.

    Type C

    If you would like to purchase all seven chakras balancing subliminal programs, please click on the link below.

  • 4.63 out of 5

    Unstoppable Luck and Success 3.5Q


    Unstoppable Luck and  Success 3.0 subliminal Program

    Attract Luck and Success subliminal Program is for those who would like to maximize the benefit of attracting both luck and success into their lives.

     Type A

    Those who purchased the 3.0Q version have been updated with the 3.5Q version for free.



  • 0 out of 5

    Develop A Winning Mindset 4.0B


    Develop A Winning Mindset 4.0B

    Type A-B


    Develop A Winning Mindset is a powerful subliminal program desired to effortlessly rewire your mind to mimic the mindset of highly effective winners of our modern times – Develop a winning attitude that will take you to new heights.

  • 4.73 out of 5

    Instant Relax 3.0


    Instant Relax – Binaural Session


    Try this powerful Binaural session for free to instantly leave all your thoughts or worries behind and take yourself to a higher level and relax completely! 

    This program is a binaural session, and it contains no affirmations.

    Please do not listen to this while listening to Super Alpha Foundation or the first stage of Super Alpha Male or Super Alpha Female.  You can hear when you shift to stage 2.


  • 4.86 out of 5

    Super Awakener


    This Program is designed to help you wake your brains like a strong shot of Espresso would. Please make sure you do not listen to this on the same day while listening to any of Type A programs like Super Alpha Male/Female.

    The program does not contain any affirmations. Instead, it contains the optimal Binaural beats with different ranges to help you feel more energized. The Binaural is then combined with soothing and relaxing music complemented with natural sounds of flowing water and the sounds of morning birds.

    You can listen to this music at any time of the day/night when you are feeling sleepy, drowsy or tired.
    The program is designed to make your reach the maximum state of alertness and awareness and help you to become productive as soon as possible.

  • 0 out of 5

    Improve Your Eyesight 2.0


    Improve your vision by simply listening to Improve Your Eyesight subliminal program which is built with positive affirmations to help change happen.

    The health of our eyes can erode due to many factors. One could be the lifestyle and over the years it’s possible for the vision to break down and get worse because of the excess tension that builds up in the eyes, the surrounding tissue, and the muscles. The first instinct when you can’t see something is to strain harder to see, to tense your eye and face muscles, and to just generally try hard to see better. This makes the problem worse, it only makes your eyes weaker in the long run, and if you make a daily habit of it your vision will only get worse and worse.

    The powerful affirmations infused in this subliminal program can help you to relax your eyes, release tension in the muscles surrounding the eyes, and just naturally improve your overall vision with ease.
    Our Subconscious mind is the most powerful tool and it’s within us. It controls all the functions of our body, including relaxing our eyes, releasing tension, and improving our eyesight. And it can be trained to start paying attention to that.

    The easiest and quickest way to do that is through the use of subliminal messages because they go straight to our subconscious where, by repetition, they create a new way of thinking – in this case, the need to focus the efforts of your unconscious to improve the state of your eyes.

    This natural solution will:
    Relax your eyes
    Boost Blood circulation around your eyes.
    Help your eyes to relax. Just by straining your eyes you are damaging them, and by relaxing your eye muscles your eyes will be healthier and will have improved function.
    Slow down the effects caused by the eyes due to stress and aging and repair when and where it’s needed.

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Overcome Depression 2.0


    Type A

    Overcome Depression/ Depression Relief

    This subliminal program was tested by a very reliable friend and a few loyal customers. Thanks to them we have been able to create a product that is very effective from the first day for most people.

    While the causes of depression are very well known to most people, we have been able to build the right set of affirmations to help the listener overcome depression effectively.

    The areas covered in this subliminal program are mentioned below:

    .Overcome Depression Fast
    .Boost Your Happiness
    .Think Positively
    .Let go of the past that is causing the depression.

    This program is very powerful, but the speed at which the listener gets the results may vary as all of us are different.

    This program helps you to recover from depression, let go any emotional attachment you have from your past that may be triggering the depression and replace them with happiness and positivity.


    .Please do not use this subliminal program to substitute any medication you are taking.
    .Do not use this subliminal program as an alternative treatment.
    .Do not listen to this program if your depression becomes worse after a few days. Please contact us in case of any issues.
    .Always give priority to the advice of a medical professional first!
    .Use this program only as a sort of aid to help you recover faster. 

  • 5.00 out of 5

    Zen Mindset 2.0


    Become a Zen Master

    Type B


    Have you ever wondered how the monks from the far east are portrayed as people who can always smile, look at the world in a more meaningful perspective, be calm in any stressful situations and totally be unfazed by toxic people? It is their state of mind.
    Have you ever wondered how people are able to make their living or working place look totally calm, neat and tasteful by just using furniture, colors or decorations that are so simple and devoid of any brand names?

    Zen is a state of mind. Its a state of mind in which the person is totally immersed in the present moment, totally in peace with himself/herself. Its a state of mind with which the person can calmly deal with any situation with a steadiness that a normal person would break under stress. Its a state of mind with the person is totally in peace and harmony with the universe.
    For this, a person has to spend a lot of months or even years meditating, but with our Subliminal program, we can help you reach that state of mind in few weeks by following the instructions.

    Zen Mindset is something that can be described as the way the mind sees the world with a new perspective. A clearer vision that does not let language, emotions or labels define it. According to Neuroscience research and experiments, practicing a Zen Mindset can actually calm your mind and bring in more clarity and wisdom.

    Developing a Zen Mindset allows your feelings, perception, and thoughts to be what they are without any judgment. You become an observer.

    Circumstances and situations are just occurrences that mean nothing until we place our own subjective ideas and emotions onto them. How we choose to focus our attention shapes how we experience a given situation. We must invite our thoughts and feelings to the forefront so we can learn from their wisdom. This is very different from suppressing them or impulsively reacting to them. Many people turn to things like drugs, gambling, food, work, sex, or people-pleasing to suppress whatever feelings and thoughts they want to ignore. As soon as a negative emotion stirs up, they react emotionally rather than respond thoughtfully. However, mindlessly going into action allows the negative feelings to continue; over time, the accumulation of these feelings can become overwhelming, and the addictive behaviors that you may turn to for comfort may actually make the situation worse. When acting from a Zen mindset, you relax the negative thoughts and feelings by listening closely to them. Ultimately, this reduces your anxiety, because instead of being fearful of pain, you accept it as part of life. This then allows you to be more focused, relaxed, and attentive to yourself. This practice isn’t about trying to get rid of anything; it’s about accepting whatever is there. Our subliminal program contains powerful affirmations to help you reach the Zen Mindset.