Become Super Naturally Beauty 2.0MX Part 1 – Subliminal Program to help you become a natural beauty with the power of positive affirmations!
We welcome you to this brand new subliminal program designed to make specific changes to your face and aura.
This subliminal program is Part 1 of the Become Supernaturally Beautiful series. The second part will be published in the coming few days, it will be focused on other aspects such as height, the shape of different parts of the body.
Please do not confuse this with ‘Become the Most Beautiful Woman or Sexiest Woman.’
We do have a few programs that sound a bit similar, but those programs are designed to tap the power of your subconscious mind to help you look more beautiful or sexier by asking your mind to instruct your body to do whatever it takes to make you more beautiful or sexy. But this program has affirmations for specific changes. Continue reading to understand more.
This subliminal program is designed to help you manifest changes to your face to make it look more feminine and sexually more attractive. It is designed to help your face get that perfect balance, proportion, and symmetry that men are instantly attracted to.
You can listen to both parts on the same day. But for faster results, please stick to just one program.
This program is designed to do the following changes.
. Make your face more beautiful.
. Get fuller Lips.
. Golden Symmetry for your face.
. More Devine Facial Dimorphism. The kind of face that’s just feminine enough, yet that exhibits a dominant aura that commands respect from everyone.
Straighten Your Nose.
. Get Rid of Eyebags and dark circles.
. Raw Devine Sexiness.
. Leadership Charisma.
. Seductive and Devine Voice. It’s a variation of the Sexiest Feminine voice.
. Get more defined Jawline.
. Get a More defined Facial Structure.
. Lean Face. (Right amount of fat content to help you look younger and fresher)
. Younger Looks
. Improve the condition Of Your Skin.
. Get Rid of scars
. Perfect Nose.
. Attract, mesmerize, charm, and seduce Handsome men!
This is a Type B program.
The Part 2 version of this program will contain more affirmations for Body.
This program was in testing for the past few months, it’s only after encouraging results, we are publishing this online and put this for sale.
This part 1 can be used by women of any age or race.
This can also be used by men who are looking to make themselves more feminine.
We decided to divide this program into two parts to help you get much faster results.
Part 2 will contain affirmations for topics such as Grow taller or get more toned legs etc.
If you would like to test this program for a few days, please click Here for more details!
Improved 3D Affirmations Technology: Positive affirmations are sent from one ear and affirmations to clear negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the negativity to come back.
Self Adjusting Speed Absorption. The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will be able to absorb them regardless of how your mood or state of mind is. Complimented with the updated
2.0 MX Tech: The features mentioned above are now complemented by the 2.0MX module designed to bring faster and more efficient results.
Improved Ultrasonic Version. Ultrasonic will now be standard in all our subliminal programs, this allows our listener to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the normal version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic.
Well, the optimum exposure time to this program is 4 – 8 hours, you can listen up to 18 hours if you can, but not more than that.
You have to be consistent if you miss a day or two, its okay, but please add extra 2 days to the schedule. It is possible that you may miss listening to the program on weekends, it’s okay, just add the number of days to the schedule, but try to be as consistent as possible. If you miss over 6 days, then it is better to start over.
Listen to the program for 1-3 months.
Do not download this program illegally, or pirate it in any way. This subliminal program contains very strong anti-piracy affirmations.
You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as longs it’s your intention to use it for only yourself. If you would like to share this file with someone else, please advise them to download it from our website.
We reserve our rights to keep the affirmations used in the program as a trade secret.
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Veronica –
I requested this as a custom program but instead, they asked me to test it! This is a huge improvement from their older files as I just need 2 hours to listen for getting decent results. I got quite good results from sexiest woman but it was not to the extent this file can do. I am using to hearing frequencies and affirmations for many hours through out the day so giving this four hours a day was not a problem. I used on this file, and no affirmations of frequencies or anything else. I had to control myself. I do feel the changes are quite big. I have had some people ask me if I did a plastic surgery. My face looks far better than It used to. I feel very confident with my looks these days and I think I also get a lot more respect than I used to. It has given me a look that dominant women have! I tested this for two months giving them feedback every week or so. They then refunded the money as a reward for the feedback. I declined to test the part 2 version of this as I am quite satisfied in that area.
Good luck Girls and Thank you Elena for being very kind to me.
Julia –
Been listening for a few days and already MASSIVE changes.
Rose –
currently on day 20. Noticing the changes only now. I notice small changes, but my friends who are meeting me after a long time after the lockdown say I look like I had a facelift. I am 25.
Ayesha –
I will complete one month for this program on 7th July. The results have been amazing! The first thing I started to notice was that my eyebrows were fuller and more symmetrical. With time, my eyelashes grew out significantly more, my eyes seem to have shifted in shape a bit, my dark circles decreased in intensity, and my lips became much fuller.
I started receiving compliments and people started noticing shifts in my face my first week into the program. I am astounded by the results and cannot wait to see what else MindPro Labs programs have in store for me.