Become The Hottest Man Alive 5.0SB

4.25 out of 5
(4 customer reviews)


Become The Hottest Man Alive 4.0SB


Type A-B

Become The Hottest Man Alive is a powerful subliminal program that helps you become a more beautiful and sexier version of yourself.


Become The Hottest Man Alive is a brand new Subliminal program that evolved from ‘Become The Most Handsome Man 2.0’ and ‘Become The Sexiest Man Alive 2. o’. BTHM2.0 and BTSMA 2.0 were some of the most popular programs in our store, with many people getting outstanding results. Become The Hottest Man Alive is a powerful subliminal program that helps you become the Most Handsome and sexier version of yourself.

Many of our users understood the differences between them, and those who purchased both programs were reaching out to us if we could make a program that combines the benefits of those two programs into one. We took our time, tested it on a few volunteers, and came out with this program, ‘Become The Hottest Man Alive.’

In short, we would say that this product is designed to make you not only Handsome but also very sexy.

This Subliminal program to help you Become The Hottest Man Alive helps the listener make physical changes, mainly on the face. If losing weight is required to help the listener improve his looks, he may feel motivated to exercise. Over time the listener’s face will start changing and appear much better looking than before he started listening to this program. When you listen to this subliminal program, you won’t end up looking like someone else, you will still be recognized, but it’s just that you will look much better. Imagine a pair of identical twins, but one grows up looking better than the other. The looks we are talking about are not just average improvements. We are talking about the WORLD CLASS looks. The looks that get men to appear on the cover pages of famous magazines. This subliminal program brings out the most attractive version of yourself.


Some men classified as average-looking can make a massive improvement in the way they look by changing just a few details, and they may look like a supermodel. This subliminal program has affirmations to search for those required changes and make the changes. Some may need just a few days of listening; others will need up to three months. While listening, some may experience tingling sensations; others may feel as if their face was massaged. You feel like your nose has been pulled for those who need the nose to be altered. For those who may need the shape of their head to be transformed, you may feel like your head is being massaged.

Physical changes take time to happen, even if the program starts working instantly.

There are two versions of this program, and they are named ‘BTHMA 5.0SB’ and ‘BTHMA 4.0.’

What is BTHMA 5.0SB?

SB Stands for Super Boosted.

The Super Boosted version may not work for everyone. But, if they do work for you, you will feel like the changes are happening within minutes of listening to the program. When we tested the SB version of this program, nearly 20% of the volunteers didn’t get the results, but they got the results when they tried the non-SB version, which is included in your purchase.

Not getting results from the SB version may not be related to the ag; it could simply be due to many things beyond our control.

Our advice is to start listening to the SB version for one week and notice if you can feel or see any changes. As we already pointed out earlier, ‘Physical Changes will take time to manifest, but how you feel about yourself will start changing much faster. ‘ If you do not feel any changes, the SB version is not working for you, so you can shift to BTHMA 4.0.

Please note that the 4.0SB Version has been updated to the 5.0SB Format as it has produced better results.

This is a free update. There is no need to send us emails asking us for the upgraded links. It has already been uploaded to the link you received when purchasing the program in the 4.0 format.

The non-super boosted version will remain in the 4.0 format as the 5.0 version of the non-super boosted version did not produce the results we were looking for.


How do I know which version will work for me before purchasing this product?

Both versions are included in your purchase, but you can still test the less powerful versions for free on our YouTube channel.

If you want to test the SB version for free, please press ‘play‘ on the video displayed below.


Become The Hottest Man Alive

Become The Most Gorgeous Man Alive


Please test them and decide which version works the best for you and purchase the product whenever you want.

If you are happy with your physical looks, but you want something more, then please check out the products displayed below by clicking on the titles mentioned below.

Attract Beautiful Women 3.5

Irresistible Sexiness 4.0PM

Alpha Male Charm 2.0 MX Part 1

Improved 3D Affirmations Technology:

Positive affirmations are sent from one ear, and affirmations to clear negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the negativity to come back.

Self Adjusting Speed Absorption.

The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will absorb them regardless of your mood or state of mind. Complimented with the updated

5.0SB and 4.0B Tech: 5.0SB Versions are significantly improved versions of 4.0 Tech with built-in result boosters. These Super boosting modules cannot be applied to all subliminal programs, though. As mentioned earlier, SB tech may not work for everybody, but there is another version simply named BTHME 4.0. It still has boosters.

MMS: Multiple Module Synchronizer
This is a technique we developed first for SAM 2.0. It’s a way to link multiple modules to work efficiently and bring more consistent results from programs with so many modules. For the 4.0B versions, we developed this technique further while testing different subliminal programs, and SIB 4.0B is the first Program on sale that gets this improved technique.

Improved Ultrasonic Version.

The ultrasonic option (which has now been renamed ‘Silent ‘)  will now be standard in all our subliminal programs; this allows our listeners to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the normal version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic. We have renamed the ultrasonic as ‘Silent.’

Click Here to learn more about the Ultrasonic/Silent version.

Brainwave Sessions:

Unlike the other 4.0 versions, there are no brainwave sessions as it’s not necessary for this program.

This is a Type A-B Program. Click Here or on the link below for more details on it.

How many hours a day?

For most people, 2 loops a day is more than enough, but for some, they may need to listen to this program for up to 8 loops per day. The good part is that 2 loops of listening to this program are equal to listening to the previous 2.0 versions for up to 6 loops.

Can I listen to BTHMA 5.0SB and BTHMA 4.0 on the same day if needed?

We would advise you to first use BTHMA 5.0SB and then see if you are getting the results.

If you do get the results for the 5.0SB version, then the 4.0 will also work for you. There is no point in listening to both versions if you are not getting the results from one of them.


Please do not download this program illegally or pirate it in any way. This subliminal program contains powerful anti-piracy affirmations.
You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as long you intend to use it for only yourself. If you would like to share this file with someone else, please advise them to download it from our website.

We reserve our right to keep the affirmations used in the program as a trade secret.

Checkout Our Channel For More Updates:


4 reviews for Become The Hottest Man Alive 5.0SB

  1. 5 out of 5


    I don’t know if I am the first person to review this or if they are yet to approve the reviews of others! Either way this is sick.
    Sometimes it was a bit confusing. On the first few days there were tight sensations on my face. My face felt like it was tightening up. Then that stopped and it seemed like nothing was happening. Now i am getting looks left and right from girls. Just one and a half weeks into the program and i look better than ever. But, just like most handsome man I used before, I cannot understand what has changed!

  2. 4 out of 5


    Downloaded on 29th April 2022.
    Pros :
    Worked very well.
    Face looks fresher.
    I look like a more likeable person.
    The way I am being treaded has changed a lot.
    I am being accepted as someone very attractive by people who knew me for a long time.
    Even my working environment has become more positive and people think I did some sort of treatment during the lockdown.

    Cons. The single biggest problem is that two hours were never enough for me to get the results that made me look better. Instead I did get decent attention from women.
    I increased from 2 to 4, the results became better, then I increased it to 8 as I can also use the ultrasonic file while i slept, the results became insane.

  3. 3 out of 5


    Two years ago i gave BTSM ago and it worked incredibly well given the fact i am a middle age man. So when this new bad boy came out decided to buy it. By the way I ran the old version of Sex Magnet years ago and it worked well the only issue i had was getting erections. I wish Mindpro labs had put a script to get strong erections in the first stage.

    Still early days its my second day of running become the hottest man alive. First few days i have head dreams related to my sexuality. First night dreams of women hitting on me. Second night was me walking around naked and feeling afraid. I guess the product is digging down and dissolving old beliefs. The second day i woke up i felt really agitated so i ran the youtube version of brain sync created by MindPro. I suddenly felt great again. I know MPL advise against running two products but the youtube brain sync just made me feel more relaxed and calm. I looked in the mirror this morning and realized i am not bad looking.

    I am a middle age guy and have been using MP labs products for years i have bought over 15 products.

    I think this product will help to come to terms with myself and make me feel comfortable with who i am.

  4. 5 out of 5


    I have been using this for 6 hours a night for the last 7 months and it has worked. I have been slow to get physical changes with subliminals in the past, so I decided to really commit to this sub. It took 5 months for me to see any real difference, but now I’m losing weight, my skin is clear and even toned and people are telling me how handsome I am and that I “look great”.

    No question these subs work and are trustworthy, but you need to make a long term commitment. I intend to run this sub for a full year and come back to report.

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