Natural Male Enhancement subliminal is a powerful subliminal program primarily built to increase the size of your penis.
Natural Male Enhancement 5.0 is the new version of the program, which was previously titled Increase The Size Of Your Penis 2.0. since 2018. We had it on sale for more than four years, and the sales of this program were always up and down. So we were not paying attention to ITSOYP 2.0 as much as we should have. Hence we were not considering this for updates. Fortunately, most sales were through word of mouth, especially from men who had been using similar products from other vendors and were dissatisfied. Some of the requested customers also noticed good gains by using subliminal programs purchased from our website that targeted physical changes. In the past three months, we suddenly noticed a spike in demand for an updated version of this program with a lot of positive encouragement from customers.
Most male enhancement subliminal programs lack the core foundation script to make any gains in size except for the initial placebo effect. Hence they don’t work in the long run. The effects of Natural Male Enhancement 5.0, on the other hand, work a bit differently. The script used to make this program dives deeply into the anatomy of the male reproductive system; hence the script is not limited to simple vague affirmations, which are just asking your subconscious mind to increase the size of your manhood.
In this Natural Male Enhancement subliminal, we have modules targeting different areas of the male reproductive system, which will activate them individually to work in unison with your subconscious mind with the singular aim of increasing the size of your penis.
By targeting different parts of the male reproductive system to help you enhance the size of your penis, we inadvertently helped to improve the overall health of the user’s penis. Hence some of you may notice sensitivity returning like in your teenage years or improvement in erections. But, the primary target of this subliminal program is still to increase the size of your penis.
We used some of the scripting techniques we had used in subliminal programs designed for physical changes, so those who used any of our programs that were made for physical changes will understand what we are up to.
Even with all the new changes, the speed of the results will not make the changes happen overnight or even in a week. This will take time. It could take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months. Hence, this Natural Male Enhancement 5.0 is made to be used with another program on the same day. Because these days, nobody is patient enough to listen to just one subliminal program for more than one month unless they are complex programs like Super Alpha Male or Super Sex Magnet. Hence we made this program to be classified as TYPE B.
We want to thank all those volunteers who gave us constant updates on their progress.
If you want to test the free program before purchasing, please hit the play button on the audio below.
If you have purchased ITSOYP 2.0, you will get an email with the coupon code if you want to upgrade this.
All those who upgrade to this version will get free updates to this program till 3rd December 2025.
Improved 3D Affirmations Technology: Positive affirmations are sent from one ear, and affirmations to clear Negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace Negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the Negativity to come back.
Self-Adjusting Speed Absorption. The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will absorb them regardless of your mood or state of mind.
5.0B Tech: The Main difference between this tech and the previous versions is how we build the script. Since patenting these techniques is almost impossible, we do not want to type how this works. Apart from the fact that it is one of the techniques we use to make multiple modules more effective.
Improved Ultrasonic Version.
The ultrasonic option (now renamed ‘Silent‘) will now be standard in all our subliminal programs; this allows our listeners to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the regular version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic. We have renamed the ultrasonic as ‘Silent.’
Click Here to learn more about the Ultrasonic/Silent version.
Brainwave Sessions:
There are no brainwave sessions in this subliminal program.
This program is targeted at physical changes. Hence the amount of needed exposure will vary from person to person.
First, try running this program for just four loops per day for one week and observe if you can feel any changes. There will not be any noticeable changes within the first week, but your erections might get stronger, you may have longer-lasting erections, better sensitivity and morning wood, etc.
If you don’t observe any changes, please increase the number of loops to 8. If you can squeeze in at least six loops, we guess it’s optimum.
Most of our volunteers got results using the program for just six loops. You can run this program for up to 10 loops if you want, but not more than that because it will not make any difference after that point.
If you don’t have the time to run the program for at least four loops a day, it’s better to avoid this program. While we are confident that this is one of the best subliminal programs for male enhancement, we have to admit that this process is time-consuming. If you already have a big penis and want to enhance it further, you can consider Super Sex God.
Week 1: Run this program for at least four loops a day and observe if you can feel any changes, as mentioned above.
Week 2. If you can feel some changes, as mentioned in the above paragraph, proceed to listen to the program for only four loops a day.
If not, increase the number of loops from 6-10 from week two until you get your desired results.
All changes are permanent once you start observing the change in size.
Natural Male Enhancement subliminal is a powerful subliminal program primarily built to increase the size of your penis.
Natural Male Enhancement 5.0 is the new version of the program, which was previously titled Increase The Size Of Your Penis 2.0. since 2018. We had it on sale for more than four years, and the sales of this program were always up and down. So we were not paying attention to ITSOYP 2.0 as much as we should have. Hence we were not considering this for updates. Fortunately, most sales were through word of mouth, especially from men who had been using similar products from other vendors and were dissatisfied. Some of the requested customers also noticed good gains by using subliminal programs purchased from our website that targeted physical changes. In the past three months, we suddenly noticed a spike in demand for an updated version of this program with a lot of positive encouragement from customers.
Most male enhancement subliminal programs lack the core foundation script to make any gains in size except for the initial placebo effect. Hence they don’t work in the long run. The effects of Natural Male Enhancement 5.0, on the other hand, work a bit differently. The script used to make this program dives deeply into the anatomy of the male reproductive system; hence the script is not limited to simple vague affirmations, which are just asking your subconscious mind to increase the size of your manhood.
In this Natural Male Enhancement subliminal, we have modules targeting different areas of the male reproductive system, which will activate them individually to work in unison with your subconscious mind with the singular aim of increasing the size of your penis.
By targeting different parts of the male reproductive system to help you enhance the size of your penis, we inadvertently helped to improve the overall health of the user’s penis. Hence some of you may notice sensitivity returning like in your teenage years or improvement in erections. But, the primary target of this subliminal program is still to increase the size of your penis.
We used some of the scripting techniques we had used in subliminal programs designed for physical changes, so those who used any of our programs that were made for physical changes will understand what we are up to.
Even with all the new changes, the speed of the results will not make the changes happen overnight or even in a week. This will take time. It could take anywhere from 1 month to 6 months. Hence, this Natural Male Enhancement 5.0 is made to be used with another program on the same day. Because these days, nobody is patient enough to listen to just one subliminal program for more than one month unless they are complex programs like Super Alpha Male or Super Sex Magnet. Hence we made this program to be classified as TYPE B.
We want to thank all those volunteers who gave us constant updates on their progress.
If you want to test the free program before purchasing, please hit the play button on the audio below.
If you have purchased ITSOYP 2.0, you will get an email with the coupon code if you want to upgrade this.
All those who upgrade to this version will get free updates to this program till 3rd December 2025.
Improved 3D Affirmations Technology: Positive affirmations are sent from one ear, and affirmations to clear Negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace Negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the Negativity to come back.
Self-Adjusting Speed Absorption. The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will absorb them regardless of your mood or state of mind.
5.0B Tech: The Main difference between this tech and the previous versions is how we build the script. Since patenting these techniques is almost impossible, we do not want to type how this works. Apart from the fact that it is one of the techniques we use to make multiple modules more effective.
Improved Ultrasonic Version.
The ultrasonic option (now renamed ‘Silent‘) will now be standard in all our subliminal programs; this allows our listeners to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the regular version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic. We have renamed the ultrasonic as ‘Silent.’
Click Here to learn more about the Ultrasonic/Silent version.
Brainwave Sessions:
There are no brainwave sessions in this subliminal program.
This program is targeted at physical changes. Hence the amount of needed exposure will vary from person to person.
First, try running this program for just four loops per day for one week and observe if you can feel any changes. There will not be any noticeable changes within the first week, but your erections might get stronger, you may have longer-lasting erections, better sensitivity and morning wood, etc.
If you don’t observe any changes, please increase the number of loops to 8. If you can squeeze in at least six loops, we guess it’s optimum.
Most of our volunteers got results using the program for just six loops. You can run this program for up to 10 loops if you want, but not more than that because it will not make any difference after that point.
If you don’t have the time to run the program for at least four loops a day, it’s better to avoid this program. While we are confident that this is one of the best subliminal programs for male enhancement, we have to admit that this process is time-consuming. If you already have a big penis and want to enhance it further, you can consider Super Sex God.
Week 1: Run this program for at least four loops a day and observe if you can feel any changes, as mentioned above.
Week 2. If you can feel some changes, as mentioned in the above paragraph, proceed to listen to the program for only four loops a day.
If not, increase the number of loops from 6-10 from week two until you get your desired results.
All changes are permanent once you start observing the change in size.
John –
I’ve been listening this for few days and I feel awesome sensation down there. Almost feels like its ticking at the tip. Hoping this will increase my size, to 7 or 8 inches. Currently 5.6
Dominic –
it is better than the old version. I listened to the old version a months before I got this. I think the gain I saw was roughtly .5-1 mm. It has been one month since I started listening to this consistently and I have seen about 2mm from the .5 to 1mm I got from listening to the previous version. My results may have been a bit faster as I did not take a break when I changed to the updated version. That 2.0 thing they are talking about, I thought it was shit. But shit works. It is far better than the countless youtube videos out there.
Rig007 –
Week 1 , Nothing other than sensations and random erections for no good reason.
Week 2 , Again nothing, but the erections were stronger, I always woke up with a strong morning wood, which my girlfriend started enjoying.
Week 3, I feel I may have put on at least 2-3 mm and I am not sure I had gained anything from the second week, but towards the end of second week I saw a spurt which helped me gain 2-3mm.
Week 4, I don’t see any gains at all apart from 2-mm I already made.
Week 5, There is another spurt for me. It definitely feels like I have added 2mm.
So, in 5 weeks, I gained 4 mm.
Another friend of mine who I met in the internet forum has told me he made up to 7mm in 5 weeks. It may be I used this for just 3-4 hours a day and he has been giving it 8 hours.
Vasily –
I can definitely feel a big difference in the way this works compared to the previous versions.
This is definitely more effective and the progress in my case is linear compared to the last version.
I am just not too happy that I have to listen to it for this long.
jason –
Gained 2mm in just one month! Sick! This is the fastest subliminal I have used so far.
Samuel –
First of all, I was skeptical about this. I have listened to countless videos on youtube but nothing ever worked. This one felt like its working right off the bat! I didn’t grow in one hour but I was feeling something ticklish down there in just two hours. On the first day I gave it over 10 hours and even when I had stopped listening something was tickling and I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with an erect penis.
From the second week my wife said she notices that she feels the toy is becoming bigger or more solid, but to my eyes it looked the same. She does not know I use this program. From the third week we have started using lubes like in the past! She says its because her vag is getting tighter! Lol!
It has been almost a month and I think I have gained 3mmm. By only beef with this sub is that it is not fast enough for the time we spend. I have not measured it to be fair, but I can certainly feel its putting on size. Even the grit has increased. I think in my case, it was the change in grit that first happened. It was kinda swollen up, or I don’t know if they had put affirmations for increase in blood flow. What ever, this helped.
plymouthrunner –
JUST 3 DAYS and there is always this ticklish sensation! my erection has improved massively and I wake up with a STIFF WOOD that my lady enjoys!
NO! I have not yet seen my too get bigger as its been just 3 days but there is some serious business happening downstairs! lol!
In just an hour the sensations down there were getting hilarious. It felt like being tickled and sometimes I felt like going to the toilet. Apart from that nothing happened for three weeks apart from insane erections while sleeping. I am in a relationship and my girlfriend used me a dildo whenever this happened. It was only after she starts. It lasts a long time. Lasts longer than when I am trying to have sex normally. I was confused and reached out to them asking if I had the wrong files. They replied that since I am young, the program is much more effective and it may have been due to increase in blood flow while resting the erections happened. I Think, it also more sensitive now. In a way I am happy, it is to enjoy the sex life I brought it, but I was expecting something else. From the fourth week my gf complained that either she is becoming tighter or my penis is getting bigger and we know which one is happening. I didn’t measure before it grew! What a jackass! I knew it got bigger but I did not know by how much. From that day onward, I decided to measure it. I am now listening to it for over 2 months and I can say its grown nearly 1cm from the day I started measuring. Take a scale and check out how big is 1cm and imagine if you penis grow 1cm after you became an adult. It is a lot. The guess what! I am an Asian.
I plan to listen to it for another four months before I start Alpha Male 2.
Fortunately I saw the growth in just three weeks. It is about 9mm to 11mm. On the first few days I felt like I had urge to pee as the sensations were quite strong and this is the first subliminal product I have used that is focusing on physical alterations to the body. Then for the next one month nothing happened. It is contrary to the reports I have read, I just thought I reached the limit and by blind faith I decided to continue listening, the strong sensations down there were back and from the second month there was another sprout, buy the end of 90 days I had added another 7-9mm more. So totally I gained about 15mm to 20mm. It depends upon how strong the erection is.
I also had random erections whenever I was aroused lightly. Even looking at cleavage, the erections were strong like I was still a school boy. It was pretty sensitive. I also noticed gains in grit but I didn’t really care about it. I didn’t measure it before I started listening, so I cannot type an accurate measurement. It has been fun not only for me, but also my partners.
Clark –
The only for PE that really works as long as you have the discipline
Lex –
Didn’t bother measuring like other guys but ma girl is happy, she asks me if penis can grow longer for an adult man. 😉
Luis –
Week 1- Nothing but tickles and need to pee.
Week 2- nothing but less tickles and random erections.
Week 3- No tickles at all but the erections were awesome. It helped me last longer. That means at least 20 minutes longer, I just didn’t have the energy left, I think if I had the required stamina, I could have lasted longer.
Week 4- I feel I gained a lot of grit. I do not remember it gaining before, but for some reason my girl complains about the size.
Week 5- Gained more grit and finally see signs of gaining lenght.
Week 6, definitely gaining length, and this is what I wanted more than anything. I think I gained over .8cm but I wish I didn’t gain grit.
Please make one audio just to help increase the length.
Jamie –
Had this Audio about 6 months, I think I’ve seen a bit of improvement in Length but I can’t says if it’s 100% from this Audio as I Do use a bathmate aswell, but I’ve Been using it for like 2 year’s even with that it takes along time to see improvement,I’m probably gonna get the next size up sometime,Just Don’t pump too Hard, if your thinking about getting one, Like I’ve Done in the past, as you can burst a blood vessel, which Is Scary and you have to wait a few months before you can pump again
Oskar –
I am going to turn 56 and widowed. I had high hopes for this sub, but all this did was to increase the stiffness and girth. I also saw that I could last longer, but there is no change in the overall length. It has improved my sex life, but I wished it did what it clamed to do that is to make my penis even larger.
Wes –
Related to an accident in my youth involving learning the hard way, hot-tub pool water is not a good lubricant, I think I had a subconscious belief that I was too-large and noticed over the next few years my member wasn’t as prominent as before. I suspect, my body/unconscious was trying to help me out by making love-making easier by decreasing the size so I wouldn’t be too-big. However, I think outside of a hot tub or without a virgin, intellectually speaking, or with a woman post-children, etc my old size would not have been too large.
Consequently, I listened to SBR2.0 once, then 3-4 sessions of ITSOYP. I’d tried previous blockage removal, size increase, manual stretching and a bathmate/pumps trying to get back to my former-glory with no luck. Sad, but nothing seemed to work. With SBR2/ITOSYP listening instructions, over a month (though I didn’t measure prior to start), eyeballing, I’d guess I saw about 0.5 to 0.8cm of growth which was a positive sign as its the first time I’d seen improvement. Shortly afterwards, I ended up getting back into a relationship and didn’t want to expose my girlfriend to the speakers playing increase the size of… haha. So I gave up there. The results remained a year later and now that we’ve broken up, I went back to this site to reload the files and they were still accessible which was great. Been listening to it for 2-3 days so far and on the third day, I woke up with, not typical for me, morning wood. So I’m already seeing a small increase in fertility? vitality? performance?
So hopefully in another month I can report another 5-8mm and say I’m another one-sixth back to what I lost from the poor-first-experience.
Terr –
I am 43.
I have used the previous version and managed to gain half an inch in one month.
This product feels like it’s trying its best to improve the speed, but honestly, it’s only slightly faster in results and it may be due to the limitations of my body. Why I feel it’s trying to work faster due to improved blood flow and if you are reading this, you know the benefits of improved blood flow.
The length has grown by another half inch, but I feel good progress in the grith too, which I wasn’t expecting.
Overall, I am happy with what it has to offer. I will now look for some other self improvement products.
Wilde –
I am extremely disappointed with my physical attributes as I happen to be poorly endowed. I am absolutely fed up with the way people react to my size and the constant mocking and ridicule that I have to endure. Being in the military doesn’t help either, as my genitalia are constantly on display for everyone to see. I have been contemplating the idea of enhancement surgery just to make myself feel more confident and less embarrassed about my size. I know I will never be huge, but just a few extra inches could make a world of difference for me. Unfortunately, the disappointment and shame that I feel has completely consumed me and I feel like I have no other choice but to resort to surgical intervention.
Then, I stumbled upon a product while searching for “Natural Male Enhancement” and being new to this concept, I contacted their customer service. Initially, I felt embarrassed when I found out that it was a woman who responded to my emails, but she made me feel comfortable and encouraged me to try the free version. I played it while I was working, but I found it annoying after just five minutes. However, after reading some forums, I discovered that playing other music alongside it could help, and after an hour, I got used to it. It took me three days of playing to realize that it actually works. Although I didn’t see any growth, I experienced a lot of sensations and erections whenever I accidentally rubbed my johnson somewhere. So, I decided to purchase the full version, and it turned out to be a game-changer for me. I noticed that my erections were stronger, I lasted longer in bed, and my flaccid size had grown. Even when I was tired, I could still get my erections back, and I became more confident. I have hooked up with five women since I started using this product, and none of them had complained about my size. This boost in confidence helped me convince them to come back with me or for me to go to their place.
However, before you get too excited and spend your money, there are a few things that I want you to know. Firstly, my overall size remained the same as it was before I started using the product. Secondly, I take care of my cardio health, so I am not sure if it’s due to my natural ability to recover faster or the improved confidence that has helped me. Thirdly, sometimes the product causes unusually strong erections that can wake me up from my sleep. Although it’s manageable, it can be uncomfortable. In the last few months, I got better acquainted with products such as hypnosis and subliminals. So I am guessing we all are going to have vastly different experiences with this product. After sharing my expereince with another person I met on a forum, he purchased this product and he is seeing some changes in his size but not with the performance.
The customer care team informed me that it might take a few months for some men to see an improvement in their overall size. The biggest unknown for me now is whether the improved performance is long-lasting or not. Only time will tell.
John –
I used it for one month, I am not yet sure if I gained size, but I have regained my old size which I had lost over the years.
I am 57 if you were wondering.
Andy H –
I used it for 3 months continously and here are my observations.
I am 51 Male.
Only recently I have been physically active after 13 years. Health scare and a messy divorce woke me up. I used to have a decent functioning organ down there with a decent size, but due to my health issues, things really shrunk and includes the size in flaccid state.
Since I used it, I felt a lot of tingles in the first few weeks and random, solid erections in sleep. Sometimes it woke me up from deep sleep due to pain which was not too severe though.
Size in flaccid state improved and had been getting more motivation to exercise and lose some belly fat. I had been doing that too and I credit the program for the extra boost in motivation. I notice a loss in motivation when I took a break for a week. So, the program actually covers a lot more things that they are saying which is good.
I did not know in the beginning how the performance side will improve because I don’t have a partner yet. But I recently travelled to East Asia and got myself a young companion whom I paid for two weeks. In that time I was able to take it for a test drive which proved that my performance has increased which gave me more confidence. The size I lost has been recovered. I don’t yet have the performance I had in my 20s and 30s, but my health is improving steadily which will in turn help me perform better.
But has my size increased?
In flaccid state, yes, but in erect state I have only managed to regain what Iost and not anything more.
To be frank, I will take it any day.