Photographic Memory 6.0

5.00 out of 5
(3 customer reviews)


Photographic Memory 6.0

Photographic Memory Subliminal is a powerful program to help you develop your memory to incredible levels.

Type C


If you have purchased the previous version (4.0SB), you have been upgraded for free. There is no need to contact us and wait. All you need to do is revisit the purchase link you received in your email when you purchased the Photographic Memory 4.0SB. All your new files have been automatically uploaded to that link.


Photographic Memory 6.0 is a powerful program designed to elevate your memory to extraordinary levels. Rewire your subconscious mind and develop the exceptional memory you desire. You can now achieve an incredible photographic memory and enhance your recall abilities to new heights.

If you struggle with remembering things or have difficulty recalling memories, this subliminal program is the perfect solution for you. Anyone listening to this photographic memory subliminal can develop near-perfect recall.

Any frustration related to memory lapses can now be eliminated with this powerful subliminal program. Our subconscious mind is a vast repository of our life’s experiences. By listening to this photographic memory subliminal program, you can learn to access and recall any memory with ease.

Use this subliminal program to boost your learning and studying efforts. You may even recall memories that have been buried over the years. This Powerful memory-boosting subliminal program features a new script format with minimal but highly effective goals. The script is designed to deliver faster results with fewer listening sessions. We’ve upgraded from the 4.0SB format to the 6.0 Format for free, incorporating new techniques and additional modules that support long-term memory improvement using scientific principles. For most users, just one loop of listening to this program will yield excellent results. There are no complicated instructions. Please scroll down for detailed instructions in a separate paragraph.

The New Modules Included in This Program:

  1. Increased Physical Activity: Boost brain health by becoming more active.
  2. Diet Optimization: Automatically adjust your diet to improve memory retention and overall brain health.
  3. Mental Stimulation: Actively challenge your brain with stimulating exercises and activities.
  4. Social Engagement: Enrich your life by engaging with people who have a positive impact on your mind, regardless of whether you are introverted or extroverted.
  5. Adequate Sleep: Improve sleep quality to support memory consolidation.
  6. Stress Management: Enhance your ability to manage and relieve stress.
  7. Mental Health Awareness: Become more aware of your mental health and seek help when needed.
  8. Conscious Consumption: Increase awareness of your consumption habits to improve mental clarity and avoid substances that negatively affect your brain.
  9. Emotional Balance: Maintain a balanced emotional state to positively influence your memory and cognitive functions.


This improved Memory boosting subliminal program is based on a new script format for subliminal programs, which have only minimal but powerful goals. The script is designed to get faster results with fewer listening times. We have found a way to extract the best possible results by listening to fewer loops.
For most people, just one loop of listening to this program will bring good results despite the program containing more than 7 extra modules compared to the 4.0SB version. There are no complicated instructions. Please keep scrolling; we have typed instructions in a separate paragraph.

You can find more information on this session below.

If you want to test this program before purchasing, please click on any of the titles below.




Improved 3D Affirmations Technology: Positive affirmations are sent from one ear, and affirmations to clear Negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace Negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the Negativity to come back.

Self-Adjusting Speed Absorption: The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will absorb them regardless of your mood or state of mind.

6.0Tech. We are introducing this format barely after just a year since we introduced the 5.0 tech. However, the feedback we received from our customers encouraged us to evolve this further. Since patenting these techniques is almost impossible, we do not want to type how this works. Apart from the fact that it is one of the techniques we use to make multiple modules more effective.

MMS: Multiple Module Synchronizer

This is a technique we developed first for SAM 2.0. It’s a way to link multiple modules to work efficiently and bring more consistent results from programs with so many modules.

Improved Ultrasonic Version.

Ultrasonic option (now renamed ‘Silent‘)  will now be standard in all our subliminal programs; this allows our listeners to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the regular version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic. We have renamed the ultrasonic as ‘Silent.’

Click Here to learn more about the Ultrasonic/Silent version.



Brainwave Sessions:

This hybrid session combines the properties of Hypnosis, brainwave audio, and subliminal messages. By combining them, we have created a bespoke brainwave session that transitions into different frequencies to help you relax and go deeper into Hypnosis. Unlike the regular brainwave sessions, this session is a bit different. The suggestions in brainwave sessions are very simple for anyone with basic knowledge in English to understand, but it’s very different to the bespoke script we use for making the Subliminal Program.

This new brainwave session contains three primary layers and works almost like a hypnosis session, but it contains music to motivate and uplift you rather than put you in a trance. 

1. Motivating Hypnosis script.

2. Relaxing Music.

3. Binaural Beats to help your mind reach the Alpha State instantly.


You can listen to this program in two ways.

1. Open your eyes and watch the video while listening to the program. You can watch another video with similar visuals, but please mute the sound and listen to only this video.

2. Close your eyes and listen by sitting or lying down in a place where you will not be disturbed for the next five minutes.

Use headphones or earphones for the best possible results.

Hypnosis sessions can bring results much faster than subliminal programs, but subliminal programs can get longer-lasting results.

Please note that this brainwave session continues to be optional. If you do not have time, you can skip it. The brainwave session in this 6.0 version has been carried over from the 4.0SB Version. The file has been simply renamed as the 6.0 version to avoid confusion. The brainwave sessions have a completely different scripting technique.



For most listeners, one loop per day is more than enough, which is 1 hour for this program.

If you think you are not getting any results, please the number of loops. Four loops should be enough.

If you want to use the silent version, you can arrange the program in your playlist so that it does not go beyond four loops.

If you accidentally listen to the program for a bit longer, there is no need to worry.

Notice to the Customers of Photographic Memory 4.0SB

If you have purchased the previous version (4.0SB), you have been upgraded for free. There is no need to contact us and wait. All you need to do is revisit the purchase link you received in your email when you purchased the Photographic Memory 4.0SB. All your new files have been automatically uploaded to that link.



We reserve our right to keep the affirmations used in the program as a trade secret.

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3 reviews for Photographic Memory 6.0

  1. 5 out of 5


    I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my memory since I started using this program. It’s made everything so much easier for me. I’m able to remember things more clearly and recall information faster than before.

    I’m amazed by how much of a difference it’s made in my daily life. I’m really grateful that I decided to give this program a try. If you’re struggling with memory issues like I was, I highly recommend checking it out. You can try their youtube version too.
    It could be a game-changer for you.

  2. 5 out of 5


    I’m really happy with the results I’ve gotten from this audio. Since using it, I’ve noticed a huge improvement in my ability to concentrate and remember what I’ve read. It’s been amazing to see such a positive change in my cognitive abilities. Overall, I’m delighted with the effects of this audio and would highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their concentration and memory.

  3. 5 out of 5


    I’ve been using this program for a while now, and I gotta say, it’s been a game-changer. I feel like my mind is more efficient, open, and receptive than ever before. Every day, I’m blown away by the increase in clarity I’m experiencing.

    Honestly, I didn’t think it would work at first, but I’m so glad I gave it a try. My potential feels limitless now, and I’m embracing it more and more each day.

    I gotta give a shoutout to Mindpro for creating this program. It’s been a true blessing in my life, and I’m excited to see where it takes me next. If you’re looking to unlock your true potential and experience a more efficient and receptive mind, I highly recommend giving this program a shot.

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