Category: Ultrasonic

Showing 129–131 of 131 results

  • 5.00 out of 5



    Type A

    Greetings everyone!

    Let Go Of The Past is the most successful subliminal Program we have ever made. The word had spread how effective this program is and it started selling like hot cakes. Over the past two years, we kept getting feedback and along with the gratitude of so many people on how this program changed their lives for the better. Most of them definitely felt that they have shed a lot of emotional baggage and they felt much lighter.
    Thanks to them, we have had the chance to improve this program even further and we have applied some of the techniques we used in the programs like Super Alpha Male 2,0 for better results.

    There are many people who carry their old baggage around them everywhere without knowing how to let of the past nor are they even aware of what they are doing.

    Some of us may have experienced something in the past that we are holding on to and not allowing us to move on ahead and our future is limited due to that. It could be many things, or in some cases, just one incident that has left them emotionally scarred.
    We have developed a very strong subliminal audio to help everyone overcome their past by constructing strong affirmations to move on from the past and look at the future with optimism and live in the present and replacing negativity within with positive energy.

  • 4.67 out of 5



    Type B

    Updated With Ultrasonic

    Inspired by some feedback we received while making custom subliminal audio, we created this insane track for those who are looking to make physical changes to their face and body to look really handsome.
    This track helps the listener to make physical changes mainly on the face. Some of you may notice changes on the body too. Over time the listener’s face will start changing and appear much better looking than before he started listening to this track. When you listen to this track, you won’t end up looking like someone else, you will still be recognized but it’s just that you will look much better. It’s like two sisters, who look similar but one grows up looking better than the other one. The looks we are talking about are not just average improvements. We are talking about the WORLD CLASS looks. The looks that get women to appear on Cover pages of famous magazines. This track is designed to make you one of the most beautiful women on this planet. Let me give you one example. There are people out there who are classified as average looking, but with just a small change in their face they may end up looking like a supermodel. This track has affirmations to search for those required changes and make the changes. Some may need just a few days of listening, others will need up to three months. While listening, some of you may experience some tingling sensations, others may feel like as if their face was massaged, for those who need the nose to be altered, you feel like as if your nose has been pulled, for those who may need the shape of their head to be transformed, you may feel like your head is being massaged. Do not worry, the changes are being made in a positive way.

  • 0 out of 5



    This product has been discontinued, and it is being replaced with an all-new Subliminal program named Super Alpha Male 5.0.

    Thanks to the customers who purchased this program from us giving us their feedback, we can develop a much more powerful program that does more in less time.

    We will launch the Super Alpha Male 5.0 in the next few days.



    Super Alpha Male 2.0 is a very powerful Alpha male  Subliminal Program. It is the most powerful subliminal program of its kind. We advise you to read the instructions carefully before using them.

    Super Alpha Male 2.0 is designed to make you a successful Man. What’s the point in being just an Alpha Male when all you can do is be a dominant male in a pub or a bar.
    We help you become an Alpha Male and become a very successful Gentle Man. Not just with girls, but become the total package with this Alpha Male Subliminal!