Unstoppable Luck and Success 3.5Q (Discontinued)


Unstoppable Luck and  Success 3.0 subliminal Program

Attract Luck and Success subliminal Program is for those who would like to maximize the benefit of attracting both luck and success into their lives.

 Type A

Those who purchased the 3.0Q version have been updated with the 3.5Q version for free.




Attract Good Luck Subliminal Affirmations

Attract Luck and Success subliminal Program is for those who would like to maximize the benefit of attracting both Luck and success into their lives.

What’s unique about this subliminal program?

Now imagine if you can combine Luck and Success in one shot. This is what this subliminal program aims to do. This program combines the benefits of I am Luck 2.0 and Unstoppable Success 2.0 and upgraded to 2.0MX format. Though some of the affirmations are shared with this program, we had to make an entirely new set of affirmations for these two modules to synchronize and give the best possible results.
The Attract Luck and Success 3.0Q result from many customers who volunteered to help us develop the program further and get much faster and better results than before. Since it was one of the most downloaded subliminal programs, we had enough feedback to develop the 3.5Q version.

If you had been searching for Lady luck to smile on you, look no further!
If you believe naturally that you are lucky, you become fortunate!

Luck seems to follow them around for some people – you probably know someone who appears to have good fortune in everything they do. If you seem to have the opposite problem, you might think that Luck is out of your control, that you can’t harness the power of Luck, that you can’t attract good Luck, or use it to your advantage – well, this is just not the case.
Good Luck is a state of mind. You can become lucky too – if you change the way your mind works and the way you think of things. You, too, can be in “the right place at the right time” with help from our subliminal programs combined made with powerful affirmations.
Affirmations for Luck have been revised thoroughly, and it’s now designed to work in a more synchronized way with other affirmations such as affirmations for Luck, Deep Gratitude, attracting positive energy, etc.!
Attract Success Subliminal Affirmations

Harness the power of your subconscious mind with the help of Attract success affirmations used in this subliminal program.

The script used for Unstoppable Success has been a strong foundation for many of our programs. The feedback received has enabled us to improve this program combined with affirmations for Luck make it the most powerful of its kind you can purchase.

Like Luck, success is a state of mind, and if you can change the way your mind works, you too can be successful, and we are here to help you change it.

Have you ever thought of how your life would look like if only you were insanely successful? But something or the other always seems to come your way and may not allow you to succeed in areas you wish you could. We can’t always blame the outside factors; Once we reach a certain age, it’s up to us to become successful or be a loser. Some always blame their past, while some are scared of success.

We are not promising you to make you successful overnight, but what we do is brainwash your mind with positive affirmations to help you destroy all the insecurities within you and convince you that you deserve to become successful. By doing this, half of the work is already done, and as you listen to this program, you will start taking action with this new positive Mindset towards success.
What this program aims to do?

.Make you believe that you too deserve to be successful.

.Make you succeed in anything you do with the principles of the ‘LAW OF ATTRACTION.’

.We give you a winner’s Mindset. (Support affirmations)

. Positive Mindset (support affirmations)

.Remove Subconscious blockage. (support affirmations)

For this subliminal program to work well, you have to do your part too, you have to go out there and take action, but this time you will notice that you are becoming much more successful than the last time you attempted to do that task (Before you started listening to this program)
This ‘Attract Luck and Success’ subliminal Program has been requested multiple times by many people in the past few months, which led us to rebuild and develop this program.

For those who have high resistance to this subliminal program, we advise you to try ‘Subconscious Blockage Remover‘ for free for a month or two and then start listening to this program with a good foundation.


Attract Good Luck, and Success subliminal program has two main modules of the script, which make it very effective. Attract Good Luck and Attract Success.

These two modules are further divided into smaller modules to make this program very effective. This subliminal program to attract good Luck and success was the result of hundreds of hours of research and we working on it for almost 8 months by carefully rebuilding the affirmations used in its previous version called Unstoppable Luck and Success 2.0MX.

How does this subliminal differ from other subliminal programs with similar titles?

This subliminal program contains Modules with affirmations of the following titles.

Attract Positive Energy

Attitude of Gratitude

Enchance Your Intuituion

Unstoppable Luck

Unstoppable Success

Manifest the solutions for problems

Stop Procrastination

Seize The Day

Quantum Module


As mentioned earlier, the program is divided into two main modules which are divided further into multiple modules but built in a way that they work harmoniously to give the best results possible.
Apart from the topics mentioned earlier, the program also has affirmations what we call Quantum Module to help you shift your state when it’s safe for you. This module is designed to help you be in the right place at the right time to help you achieve your goals and be luckier with what you want to achieve.
This program works best for those who know clearly what they want and those who have already targeted what they want to achieve.


Improved 3D Affirmations Technology:

Positive affirmations are sent from one ear and affirmations to clear negativity are said in the other. Thus we replace negativity immediately with Positivity. This will give no room for the negativity to come back.

Self-Adjusting Speed Absorption.

The affirmations are sent at varying speeds, and your mind will be able to absorb them regardless of how your mood or state of mind is. Complimented with the updated

3.5 tech

This all-new, latest Gen technology has been on cards for years. It can be applied for only a select few subliminal programs. The intention is to give you much faster results than the previous generation of subliminal programs. When used with the Brainwave session, it’s marginally faster than the 3.0 version.

The 3.5 Tech not only features more advanced techniques, but it’s also worth even more. If you consider buying subliminal programs for each of the problems it solves and the solutions it creates, the program will cost a lot more. But we have priced it to the point where the program is accessible to almost everyone around the world and gives the best value for money!

Quantum Alignment Module.

Quantum Alignment Module is applied to a select few subliminal programs which contain affirmations to help you to manifest positive circumstances to attract Luck and success into your life.

Improved Ultrasonic Version.

Ultrasonic option (which has now been renamed as ‘Silent‘)  will now be standard in all our subliminal programs, this allows our listeners to continue listening even while sleeping. But we advise everyone to listen to the normal version for at least 4 hours each day before shifting to Ultrasonic. We have renamed the ultrasonic as ‘Silent’.

Click Here to learn more about the Ultrasonic/Silent version.


Brainwave Sessions:

This is a hybrid session that combines the properties of Hypnosis, brainwave audio, and subliminal messages.  By combining them, we have created a bespoke brainwave session that transitions into different frequencies to help you relax and go deeper into Hypnosis if you want. The suggestions in these brainwave sessions are inaudible. They are an evolution of the previous brainwave sessions. This program will be the first product in our store to have this approach to using both Suggestions and affirmations that are used in the brainwave sessions to reduce internal resistance.

Then, we have another layer, a set of energetically programmed affirmations designed to communicate your positive intentions to your mind and body to experience the desired changes according to the law of attraction.

This program contains only one type of Brainwave session.  You can use it anytime you want, but please make sure you will not be disturbed. You have to do it with your eyes closed.

There are two audio files named ULAS 3.5Q Brainwave Session and ULAS 3.5Q Brainwave Session Extended Version.

The second brainwave session was recently added after multiple requests for a longer version with different background music. We have made changes according to the demands.

They both contain similar scripts. Use whatever is convenient for you.


It helps if you can just imagine how your life would be if you are more successful and fortunate during this session. If you drift away while visualizing, never mind. Just get back to it or just let it go.


Despite this subliminal program being rendered in 3.5 formats, we still advise you to listen to the masked version of this program for at least 4 hours a day. You can listen up to 12 hours a day if you can. Once you start getting the results, you can bring it down to 2 hours a day and listen up to 3 months. Please take a break of 2 weeks if you would like to continue listening to this program after 3 months.

Do not operate heavy machinery or drive while using this program due to the presence of the quantum alignment module.

This program can also be used while sleeping.

The FLAC version has now been discontinued as we do not see any differences compared to the MP3 version


Please remember that this is a Type-A Program and you should not listen to any other subliminal program on the same day.

You have to be consistent if you miss a day or two, it’s okay, but please add extra 2 days to the schedule. You may miss listening to the program on weekends, it’s okay, just add the number of days to the schedule, but try to be as consistent as possible. If you miss over 6 days, then it is better to start over.
Listen to the program for 1-3 months depending on your goals.



Do not download this program illegally, or pirate it in any way. This subliminal program contains very strong anti-piracy affirmations.
You can listen to this program by making multiple copies as long you intend to use it for only yourself. If you would like to share this file with someone else, please advise them to download it from our website.

We reserve our right to keep the full list of affirmations used in the program as a trade secret.



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